Using autologous blood to reduce postoperative infections

The removal of impacted wisdom teeth is a common surgical procedure with possible complications including postoperative bleeding and wound infection and alveolar osteitis. Preventing osteitis is dependent on retaining the blood clot in the socket with no infection. There are...

Bone anchored hearing devices in very young children

This paper presents results of BC devices in very young children and helps inform an honest discussion of risks / benefit with prospective parents. The authors of this article from Starship Children’s Hospital, Auckland, New Zealand have a series of...

An analysis of 60 treated cystic lesions in children

This is a retrospective single-centre study of 60 consecutive cases in children. Children aged four months to 14-years-old underwent intervention under general anaesthetic from 2000 to 2012. As one might expect, most of these cysts were mucoceles and ranulas. Of...

The use of Integra to allow early cover wounds

The authors present the use of Integra in a unique cohort of patients. Seven patients ages 21-31 in a six month period treated in one hospital. These were a very fit group of patients that had injuries caused by improvised...